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by Charlotte Brontë
  • Fiction
  • 1853
  • Autor: Charlotte Brontë
This is the `Villette`. The book, officially considered at one time `the most scandalous novel of Charlotte Bronte`. Many years have passed, many decades. `Villette` has long lost track of scandal, has long been recognized as a classic work of the 19th century, but still remains a truly unique example of` female - in the best sense of the word - prose` and the first book of English-language literature that reveals the `big secrets of small towns`. Now it is familiar to millions of readers. Then it was just the beginning ......
Number of pages: ~ 993 pages

by Charlotte Brontë
Jane Eyre: An Autobiography
  • Сlassic
  • 1998
  • Autor: Charlotte Brontë
Orphan Jane Eyre brought up in a shelter. But it did not break the young girl, but only tempered her character. Jane gets an excellent education and tries to achieve everything in life by herself. Having settled down as a governess to the family of the rich and mysterious Mr. Rochester, Jane not only finds her “I”, but also experiences the strongest feeling of all possible ... and a brilliant example of Russian translation school....
Number of pages: ~ 448 pages